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The bigger the better
More than 30 years serving Cambodian
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Our growth is customers’ success
Let’s build a bright future together
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All your funding needs is fulfilled with us
All your funding needs is fulfilled with us
All your funding needs is fulfilled with us
More fruitful result with agriculture loan
Start-up and raise up your business with us
Better business, better economic
Provide the extra cash your business needs
Better business, Better economic
Without collateral still able to get a loan
Request loan with your vehicle registration card
Education fund will no longer be a concern
Together to make our better society
Either new or used vehicles are available
Easy terms and conditions with simple documents
The product for your daily usage is fulfilled
Speedy turnaround time to speed up your growth
Without collateral still able to get a loan
Receive a new house for your beloved family
Exceptional account types to fit with your cash flow
HYSA Description | Description
HYSA Flexi Description | Description
Savings Description | Deposits
Minor Description | Deposit
High Income Deposit Description | Deposits
High Return Deposit Description | Deposits
High Grow Deposit Description | Deposits
Another choice for a better cash management
Reserve for special account number
Safe, save and convenieng to transfer
Safe, save and convenieng to transfer
Safe, save and convenieng to transfer
Enjoy interbank transaction via your mobile phone
Customer Can Transfer money to any bank
Transaction on the real-time
All your funding needs is fullfiled with us
Convinient and free to transfer up to USD 50,000
Withdrawal and do transaction anytime nationwide
Exceptional account type to fit with your cash flow
Protect customer's financial, debt,collateral and property
Smarter and high secured online banking platform
Funds and enjoy convenient payments
Payroll Description | Payroll
The moste reliable option for international remittance
Business growth depends on good relationship
Easy payment, high benefits
Referral Agent of Insurance Service
Phnom Penh, 21st
August 2024 – Hattha Bank, a subsidiary of Krungsri
(Bank of Ayudhya PCL), the fifth-largest commercial bank in Thailand and a
member of MUFG Global Financial Group, is truly honored that H.E. Dr. Chea
Serey, Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), welcomed the
senior management of Hattha Bank, led by Chairperson Ms. Pathatai Kulachan,
for a courtesy visit and constructive discussion at the NBC's Wat Phnom Building.
At the meeting, Ms.
Pathatai Kulachan, provided a comprehensive overview of the bank's recent
operational progress and outlined an ambitious strategic plan to expand its
suite of financial services. She also highlighted Hattha Bank's initiatives to
enhance its mobile banking operations through the adoption of new technologies.
In response, H.E Dr. Chea Serey commended Hattha Bank's notable
achievements to date and expressed strong support for the proposed strategic
plan, as well as the bank's project to boost its operational capacity through technological
innovation. Additionally, she advised Hattha Bank to increase
awareness-building activities, targeting both customers and staff, regarding
the new strategies. H.E Dr. Chea Serey also encouraged Hattha Bank to
actively share knowledge and best practices learned from its parent company,
Krungsri, to further strengthen the bank's competitive edge.
At the conclusion of
the meeting, Ms. Pathatai Kulachan, on behalf of Hattha Bank, conveyed
the bank's deepest gratitude to NBC, represented by Governor Dr. Chea Serey,
for its steadfast support and invaluable guidance. Ms. Pathatai Kulachan
emphasized that NBC's full backing has been instrumental in driving Hattha
Bank's success and enabling the effective implementation of its strategic
initiatives, which are crucial for the bank's continued growth and development.