Khmer Student Loan

Khmer Student Loan offers financial assistance to parents or students who need funds to pursue their studies for a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or intensive courses.


Product Features

      Currency:                         KHR and USD

      Term:                                Up to 84 months

      Loan size:                         Up to USD 10,000 or equivalent to other currencies

      Interest rate:                    As low as 1.50%

      Repayment mode:           Flexible repayment


      Provide loans for both tuition fees and non-tuition expenses

      No collateral required based on the loan amount

      Competitive interest rates

      Flexible payment mode based on client’s cash flow

      Many channels to do repayment such as Wing, TrueMoney, Hattha Mobile, and bank branches nationwide


Note: Hattha Bank reserves the rights to change the above condition and interest rate without prior notice.